City Services
Cave Spring city services include Public Utilities, Streets and Sanitation, Cemeteries, Public Safety, Fire, and Police.
Cave Spring Water
Water service is provided to residents of the city as well as portions of Floyd County and Alabama.
The source of all Cave Spring water is its namesake spring. The Spring provides up to 1.3 million gallons of pristine water to customers. Cave Spring water is known across the southeast and beyond for its purity and wonderful taste.
Click here to view current and archived Water Quality Reports.
Printable Water Service Application Form
Please complete the above water application form and bring to City Hall along with the necessary documents to prove your residency. Accepted documents: Closing documents, Lease Agreement or other utility bill.
OnLine Water Service Application Form
Click the link above to access the online water service Application.
OnLine Water Sewer Tap Application Form
Click the link above to access the online water / sewer Tap Application.
Fire Department
A volunteer force of 34 certified firefighters with round-the-clock dispatch provides excellent fire protection for residents and business in the City of Cave Spring and a portion of Floyd County surrounding the city. Under the leadership of our Fire Chief, the Cave Spring Fire Department is highly rated.
Fire Chief - Randy Lacey
Assistant Fire Chief - Jason Shuman
Training Officer - Johnny Gomez
Police Department
The officers of Cave Spring Police Department are employed under the supervision of our Chief of Police, Greg Webb. They are all Georgia P.O.S.T certified officers. These men and women are committed to the safety of the citizens and business of Cave Spring.
Sanitation Department
Solid Waste Collection
The City of Cave Spring provides garbage pickup service to city residents and businesses through a private waste company, Waste Industries. Residents should place their household trash inside of garbage bags. Bags should be placed in container provided by Waste Industries only. No other containers are permitted for pick up. Containers should be placed at a safe location beside the street on Thursday evenings. Garbage pickup may start as early as 3AM on Friday mornings.
Holiday Schedule:
Waste Industries is closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day if the holiday falls on a Friday, delay garbage pickup by one day.
Any other holidays are subject to change and if garbage is not collected on Friday, leave containers out until Saturday to be picked up.
Any garbage complaints or questions can be sent to apclerk@cityofcavespring.com
Yard Trimmings Collection
Yard trimmings such as leaves and grass clippings should be placed in garbage bags for pickup. Leaves and grass will NOT be picked up unless bagged. Vines will not be picked up. Appropriately sized tree limbs and brush should be placed near the street, but not on sidewalks, storm drains, or ditches. Customers should call City Hall to request work order for pickup. Brush pickup is on Tuesday’s so please call to place work orders before then. .
Recyclable Materials
Recyclable materials can be deposited at the Floyd County Landfill on Walker Mountain Road or at the remote site on Kings Bridge Road.
Click here for Solid Waste Management Survey and Full Cost Report.
Waste Water
Wastewater service is available to over 350 residential and commercial customers in Cave Spring. A renovation/upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant was completed in 2004, which substantially enhanced its treatment capacity.
The City of Cave Spring owns and maintains two cemeteries.
Cave Spring Cemetery
Rome Road, Cave Spring
Round Hill Cemetery
Alabama Road, Cave Spring
Cemetery lot information is maintained on file at City Hall located at 10 Georgia Avenue, Cave Spring, GA. To purchase a lot or for further information, contact the City Hall at (706)777-3382.
Streets & Sanitation
The City of Cave Spring streets/sanitation department strives to provide and maintain clean and safe streets, rights-of-way, drainage ways, and public cemeteries.
Solid waste collection is provided on a regular schedule. Yard trimmings are picked up according to work orders. The department plants and maintains trees, shrubs, and flowers to beautify city properties and streets, and also maintains city-owned cemeteries.
Streets Department
Mowing of right-of-ways
The City of Cave Spring mows grass on right-of-ways on a regular basis and trims tree limbs that interfere with traffic. There is also regular cleaning of storm drains.
Cemetery Upkeep
Grass is mowed on a regular basis at Round Hill Cemetery on Alabama Street and Cave Spring Cemetery on Rome Road. Cornerstones are installed on grave plots when purchased.
To report problems or request service call City Hall: 706-777-3382