The Cave & Spring at Rolater Park
Stop by year-round to collect fresh spring water in front of the cave
The natural limestone cave, in Cave Spring is open seasonally. It is maintains a consistent 57-degree coolness on a hot summer’s day. The Cave is located in Rolater Park just off the town square. You can stop by year-round to collect fresh spring water in front of the cave – remember to bring your water jugs! General admission is $2/person
Step back in time when Cave Spring’s natural limestone cave was being created, with its impressive stalagmites and legendary “Devil’s Stool” formation. You’ll welcome its constant, 57-degree coolness on a hot summer’s day. The Cave is located in Rolater Park just off the town square. There is a small admission fee to the cave to help maintain the area.
Spring Hours:
Mid April to Memorial Day
The Cave is open Weekends, Saturday and Sunday 10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Summer Hours:
May – August Hours Open daily starting Memorial Day through the first weekend in August.
Starting the second weekend in August, the Cave is open weekends only.
Fall Hours:
August - October Hours
From the second weekend in August - Mid October, the Cave is open weekends only, Saturday and Sunday 10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Closed Mid October to Mid April
Call the Cave office at 706-777-0202 or email the Park Board for more information,